Thursday, April 16, 2015

Back to Taiwan then visiting Indonesia and Philippines

I visited Taiwan for my mother's funeral, met friends and family, and then traveled to Indonesia and the Philippines for three weeks. Since Mom suffered from chronic fatigue, her death was not a total surprise. I believe it was a relief for her, so I am grieving in peace and carrying on my life with a sense of urgency to hurry up with my bucket list...

I travel 1-3 months each year to experience multicultural life.  Most recent 1 month trip (mid March – mid April 2015 to Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.  My trip highlights in include (1) hiking volcano in East Java, Indonesia; (2) tasting luwak coffee in the farm; (3) island hopping in El Nido, Philippines.

You can browse my venture blogs:
Fall 2011 Argentina/Chile/ Colombia/Ecuador/Peru
Fall 2012 Taiwan/China/Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand/Nepal/India.  
Fall 2013 Middle East (Greece/Turkey/Georgia/Armenia/Iran/Spain)
Summer 2014 Cuba/Mexico/Guatemala/Honduras/Nicaragua/Costa Rica
Spring 2015 to Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Summer 2015 cycling with a group across Virginia along the Transamerica trail in 10 days
Fall 2015 to  UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Netherlands.
Summer 2016 to Italy, Vatican City State, Greece, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Germany. 
Summer 2017 to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Chinese Silk Road, Taiwan.
Spring 2018 to New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, and Taiwan. 
Winter 2019 to Sri Lanka, South India, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Brunei, Korea, and Taiwan.

Early Spring 2020 to Taiwan - Egypt – Jordan

   Fall 2021 to Portugal - Monaco - France - Luxembourg  -  Belgium - Netherlands - UK - Morocco

   Summer 2022 to Iceland – Norway – Sweden - Estonia - Finland - Latvia – Lithuania – Sicily – Naples – Taiwan

   Summer 2023 to Israel – Palestine - Cyprus - Kenya – Tanzania – Malawi – Zambia – Zimbabwe – Botswana – Namibia - South Africa.



I enjoyed this trip, and  I just finshed Summer 2015 cycling with a group across Virginia to in 10 days along the Transamerica  trail

I am planning for the next venture. Want to share your thoughts?


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

12 hr layover at the Manila international airport

The Ninoy Aquino International Airport is the Philippines´ primary international airport. It is generally regarded as the worst airport in Asia, especially for transferring passengers. Terminals 1, 2, 3, 4, are not internally-connected, and require actual drive through the crowded city streets on taxis/jeepneys. The airport shuttle took 1.5 hrs to get from terminal 3 to terminal 1, do I got a free city tour.  To my surprise, the shuttle costed 20 pesos, so I revenues 4 pesos donation from a fellow passenger to save 550 pesos of international terminal fee.
I chatted with my new friend flying back to NYC, then tried to sleep a little before Air China checking in started at 3:30 am. I would rather camp in this freezingly cold airport terminal with no wifi than rushing in the city traffics. I put on everything I have as if hiking in the indonisian mountains. Everyone here was shivering. 
I was very tempted to find a hotel room 20-30 minutes away from the airport, but finally decided to tough it out at the terminal. Finally got my boarding pass and was told that my ticket included terminal fee already. Now using the 550 pesos to eat my late dinner/breakfast, maybe a beer.

PPS airport (puerto princesa, Palawan, Philippines)

The PPS Customs informed me only 70 proof alcohol or below is allowed to checked in, so I rushed out of the small airport and swapped the rum bought at el nido at a different store into 55 proof rum at the last minute using pursuadtion.

The Philippines airlines allowed me to fly earlier without additional charge. So I packed and checked in the 55 proof rum right away.

When I boarded the flight from PPS to Manila, I still saw the inflight magazine marketing the 80 proof ones. I do not get it. Anyway, bye bye Palawan! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Solo Sea kayak in Bacuit Bay

Bacuit Bay's gorgeous islands and coral reefs are best accessed by kayak. Over 22 islands easily navigated by kayak, but I reached only one at the closest beach  today. Almost all are uninhabited with deserted beaches scattered around the shoreline. Many are flanked by majestic limestone cliffs and occasionally hidden lagoons and caves cut into some of these cliffs, best reached by the peaceful dipping of a kayak paddle.

I researched online for the route and rights of way the night before, and I made sure that I had enough drinking water and snacks to fuel me throughout the day. I bought a waterproof bag for my iPhone at the lad minute and I brought snorkeling gears with me. I rent one yellow kayak and launched from El Nido Town beach after the tour boats left.

The day was started with big waves so the coast guard and the Kayla shop wanted me to stay within the Bay. When the wind got down a little, I got my kayak via the channel and reached the nearest island. 

The water was ok from my first launch but once i reached the open channel between the town and the island, the swells got a bigger but I was worried it became rough to ass through so I prayed.  I was pretty exhausted when reached the shore and asked the other two kayakers to help me to dock on the shore. 

With an area spanning at least 10 square kilometers, Cadlao Island is really big and we were not expecting to cover all of it being a novice kayaker as me. My main goal was to reach the Cadlao Beach.

After 2 hrs rest, lunch and snokolling, I was ready to head back.  It took about 1 hr to paddle back, but my kayak tipped over by a big wave at the shore and knock away my favorite baseball hat! Fortunately, everything else stayed.