Thursday, April 16, 2015

Back to Taiwan then visiting Indonesia and Philippines

I visited Taiwan for my mother's funeral, met friends and family, and then traveled to Indonesia and the Philippines for three weeks. Since Mom suffered from chronic fatigue, her death was not a total surprise. I believe it was a relief for her, so I am grieving in peace and carrying on my life with a sense of urgency to hurry up with my bucket list...

I travel 1-3 months each year to experience multicultural life.  Most recent 1 month trip (mid March – mid April 2015 to Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.  My trip highlights in include (1) hiking volcano in East Java, Indonesia; (2) tasting luwak coffee in the farm; (3) island hopping in El Nido, Philippines.

You can browse my venture blogs:
Fall 2011 Argentina/Chile/ Colombia/Ecuador/Peru
Fall 2012 Taiwan/China/Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand/Nepal/India.  
Fall 2013 Middle East (Greece/Turkey/Georgia/Armenia/Iran/Spain)
Summer 2014 Cuba/Mexico/Guatemala/Honduras/Nicaragua/Costa Rica
Spring 2015 to Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Summer 2015 cycling with a group across Virginia along the Transamerica trail in 10 days
Fall 2015 to  UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Netherlands.
Summer 2016 to Italy, Vatican City State, Greece, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Germany. 
Summer 2017 to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Chinese Silk Road, Taiwan.
Spring 2018 to New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, and Taiwan. 
Winter 2019 to Sri Lanka, South India, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Brunei, Korea, and Taiwan.

Early Spring 2020 to Taiwan - Egypt – Jordan

   Fall 2021 to Portugal - Monaco - France - Luxembourg  -  Belgium - Netherlands - UK - Morocco

   Summer 2022 to Iceland – Norway – Sweden - Estonia - Finland - Latvia – Lithuania – Sicily – Naples – Taiwan

   Summer 2023 to Israel – Palestine - Cyprus - Kenya – Tanzania – Malawi – Zambia – Zimbabwe – Botswana – Namibia - South Africa.



I enjoyed this trip, and  I just finshed Summer 2015 cycling with a group across Virginia to in 10 days along the Transamerica  trail

I am planning for the next venture. Want to share your thoughts?


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